Design Science

Design science compliments behavior science. Behavior science describes human behavior with theories, principles, and laws in an attempt to explain or predict organizational and human behavior. Design science builds on behavior science, although the origins come from engineering and the hard sciences, by identifying problems and creating solutions to those problems. Design science uses and employs theoretical constructs to create artifacts, it measures results from the artifacts against theoretical predictions, and provide applicable evidence justifying theoretical modifications. Design science holds the belief that theory must be measured by utility to the individual or to the organization. Field studies allow behavior science to investigate organizational phenomena in context. Similarly the construct and use of IT artifacts enable design science researcher to investigate problems and solutions addressed by the artifact.

Guideline Summary Description
Design as an artifact Using constructs, models, methods and theory, design science produces an artifact
Problem relevance The objective is to address a problem that is relevant to business or human behavior
Design evaluation The artifact’s utility, quality, and efficacy is measured
Research contributions Design science must provide contribution to research.
Research rigor Rigorous methods must be employed in the construction and evaluation of an artifact.
Design as a search process Search for effective artifact requires utilizing available means while satisfying laws in the problem environment.
Communication of research Research results must be presented in both technology-oriented and management-oriented audiences.
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